Rates so good you’ll check off every money goal on your list.
Limited Time 8-Mo Promo CD |
4.00% APY*8 Month Promotional CD
Open Your CD Account Online,
Limited Time 14-Mo Promo CD |
4.00% APY*14 Month Promotional CD
Open Your CD Account Online,
Regular or Jumbo 24-Mo CD |
3.75% APY*24 Month CD
Open Your CD Account Online,
Turn small spends into big wins!
Want to grow your savings fast and save up for something big like college, a home remodel, or that dream vacation? CDs (Certificates of Deposit) are a great way to set money aside in a separate account. The best part is this account earns money at a higher interest rate. So, while your cash is chilling in the account, it's making extra money for you. Then, at the end of the term, you'll have more money to put toward checking off all those goals!
Stay flexible with your savings to secure your future earnings.
Here's why you'll like a CD from Members Choice.
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Are you ready to get more return on your money?
Open Your CD Account Online

2 Rate Boost Program only applies to new certificate of deposits opened on or after September 12, 2022. The minimum initial deposit amount is $500, no maximum. After you start the account, you may not make additional deposits to this Certificate Account. This offer is valid starting September 12, 2022 while quantities last. Certificate of Deposits pledged against a CD Secured Loan do not qualify. Promotional Certificate of Deposits are not eligible for the Rate Boost Program. Other terms and conditions may apply.